Omaha .NET User Group March Meeting
Start Time: March 31 2022, 6:00 PM
Hosted By: Kiewit Business Center
Now = 7/27/2024 8:40:25 AM Start = 3/31/2022 6:00:00 PM
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Sponsored by : Kiewit

Posted by mruwe at March 23 2022, 9:09 PM

Fellow .NET Users,

It's once again time to get together and hear about .NET technologies and converse about what you've been doing and learning about. We will be meeting in person for this month's meeting.

Kiewit will be giving away a DJI Mini 2 drone along with a $50 Amazon gift card. If all of that wasn't enough to entice you, the presenter, Jim Kudirka, will be talking about a topic that I believe will be beneficial to anyone interested in building long-lasting software. I hope to see you there!

Our next meeting will take place on Thursday, March 31st, starting at 6:00 PM. Food will be served by our sponsor, Kiewit, starting 15-20 minutes before the meeting begins. I hope you'll be able to join us for what I'm sure will be an awesome meeting.

Kiewit Business Center

Kiewit's Business Center is located at:
12720 I St
Omaha, NE 68137

You can park anywhere near the building except, of course, the handicapped stalls. Enter the building at the east side entrance.

The live stream for this meeting can be found here:

Righting code with SOLID design by Jim Kudirka

Have you ever worked on a software project that felt like a death march?  Where you had no hope of success and even if you did release it, you knew it wouldn’t last long.  Have you ever been afraid to make code changes because you weren’t sure if you were going to make the problem worse?  Are you unsure how you should structure your code and software components?  If any of these questions bring back bad memories or remind you of your current projects, then this presentation is perfect for you.

We will walk through a few examples demonstrating how simple design techniques can drastically improve development efficiency and the supportability of our code.  We will begin with a complex bloated service and walk through how we can apply SOLID principles to improve the design and our productivity.

As a result, you will be armed with code design techniques that will set you up for greatness!

Jim Kudirka

Jim is the Founder and Principal Architect of Premier Software Systems, a company leading the change toward sustainable and repeatable best practices in software engineering.  Through both practice and training, he has achieved mastery of the software development process and now dedicates his time to mentoring and coaching organizations.

Jim has over 28 years of software engineering experience, with 20+ years leading development teams and projects.  He is passionate about good software design techniques and applying sound engineering principles that result in reduced time to market, exceptional quality, and minimizing overall cost.

Jim is a native Nebraskan, has a wife and two children, and received an Electrical Engineering degree from the University of Nebraska-Lincoln.


The technology group at Kiewit consists of over 600 IT professionals who serve the engineering and construction business in their mission to deliver important and sophisticated projects to Kiewit’s clients. Kiewit designs and builds some of the most important infrastructure that keeps modern society going. When you turn on the lights, use clean water, drive on smooth roads, receive care in a hospital building, or enjoyed amazing public spaces like Omaha’s Gene Leahy Mall, Kiewit may have played a part in making that possible. These aren’t the only things Kiewit is doing but is a good representation of the diversity of Kiewit’s business.

A business this diverse needs diverse software to help drive the vast number of business processes involved. Software developers at Kiewit experience all aspects of this diversity in their day-to-day work. They are building tools to help support important processes like project estimation, resource assignment, design tool supplements, and many more.

Kiewit is a large Microsoft Azure customer and hosts most of the custom developed applications in the cloud. The development technologies used are diverse, but primarily focus on .NET 8, React/TypeScript, and Python.

Being a 140 year old company has taught Kiewit that people are its most important asset and they have a culture to support this. In addition, Kiewit offers a number of great benefits:

  • Every employee is given a $4,000 / year training budget to support their career advancement.
  • The company has a 6% 401K match + a 2%-4% profit sharing contribution.
  • Being a large company gives Kiewit the ability to provide comprehensive and competitive health benefits.

Find your next career with Kiewit here.

Matt Ruwe
.NET User's Group Co-Leader

Brian Olson
.NET User's Group Co-Leader

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