March SharePoint User Group Meeting
Start Time: March 05 2015, 11:30 AM
Now = 2/23/2025 3:00:19 PM Start = 3/5/2015 11:30:00 AM
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Posted by dipetersen at February 23 2015, 3:52 PM

Fellow SharePoint users,

Our next SharePoint User Group meeting will be on Thursday, March 5, 2015, starting at 11:30 AM at the Blue Cross Blue Shield of Nebraska (BCBSNE).  Food will be provided 15 minutes prior to the start of the meeting.

**Date & Time:

**Thursday, March 5, 2015 at 11:30 AM


**Blue Cross Blue Shield of Nebraska

1919 Aksarben Drive

Omaha, NE 68180

Please check in as a visitor at the main security desk when arriving on site at BCBSNE.

**Parking Information:


Please park in the visitor stalls.

**Topic:  **Making the Impossible, Possible - The Cloud and Records Management This presentation shows how you can best align your information infrastructure to be in compliance with the new government mandates, as well as what are the cloud technologies for email, content and records and what are the advantages and shortcomings of these solutions. Presenter:  Rick Macartney | Managing Director, Gimmal Upper Midwest Rick Macartney has 25 years of content and records management experience.  His areas of expertise include ECRM strategy and design, systems implementation and integration, and information governance.  As a former Software Engineer working on large scale DoD projects, Rick learned the value of adherence to a disciplined software development lifecycle that has served his clients well throughout the years.  Rick co-founded a leading ECM ISV in the Documentum & SharePoint ecosystem and today manages the P&L activities for Gimmal in the Upper Midwest of the US.

**Sponsor:  **Gimmal Gimmal is the premier provider and market leader in creating innovative software solutions that solve complex information management challenges using SharePoint.  Founded in 2002, Gimmal delivers proven information, records and content management solutions built on SharePoint to improve business efficiency, lower costs and reduce risk.  We work with our clients through every project phase to achieve information governance: strategy and design, records retention policies and schedules, systems implementations, integrations, migrations, and user training and adoption.

**Food, Giveaways, Great Information:


Food will be provided for the event and there will be multiple

drawings for great prizes (sorry - no new car)!

If you have special dietary requirements, please email either David or Kerry.

Thank you, David Petersen

SharePoint User Group Co-Leader Kerry Dirks

SharePoint User Group Co-Leader