Omaha .Net User Group August Meeting
Start Time: August 28 2014, 6:00 PM
Now = 1/21/2025 2:01:21 PM Start = 8/28/2014 6:00:00 PM
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Posted by mruwe at August 21 2014, 7:22 AM

Fellow .Net Users,

I hope you all have had a chance to enjoy your summer.  I’ve spent mine doing some camping trips with my family and learning more about the massive improvements Microsoft is making to Azure.  If you haven’t had a chance to play around with it, make sure you take some time.  There are some very cool things happening in this space.  If you have an MSDN subscript then you already have free access and if you’re looking for an introduction, Microsoft offers free access for a limited time.  It’s definitely worth your time.

As always we’re ready for our next .Net UG meeting which will take place one week from today on Thursday August 28th starting at 6:00 PM.  Food and drinks will be served about 15-20 minutes before the meeting starts.


Farm Credit Services of America

4979 S 118th St


Wes McClure

Wes McClure is passionate about helping companies achieve remarkable results with technology and software. He enjoys working with teams to improve how software is developed to meet business objectives.

(Matt’s Editorial:  Wes is by far the most passionate speaker you’ll hear at the .Net UG.  He’s a blast to listen to)


Ever wish you could setup your development environment with the push of a button? Tired of services and applications bogging down precious development machine resources? Ever been eager to try out something new but put off by all the dependencies you have to install into your environment? What if you could develop in a reproducible environment that was a clone of production, or pretty close to it? What if you could version the scripts to create this environment so that others could checkout the project and spin up the exact same environment?


Farm Credit Services of America is proud to finance the growth of rural America, including the special needs of young and beginning producers. With assets of more than $21 billion, FCSAmerica is one of the region’s leading providers of credit and insurance services to farmers, ranchers, agribusiness and rural residents in Iowa, Nebraska, South Dakota and Wyoming. Learn more at


Matt Ruwe

Brian Olson

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