Omaha SharePoint User Group October Meeting - 10/22
Start Time: October 22 2012, 11:00 AM
Now = 2/23/2025 3:34:19 PM Start = 10/22/2012 11:00:00 AM
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Posted by cerkes at October 12 2012, 10:43 PM

Our next SharePoint User Group meeting will on Monday October 22nd starting at 11 AM at the Microsoft Office.**Date:
**Monday, October 22nd  Time:
11 AM – 1 PMTopic:
SharePoint Practical Applications Showcase – Part IIInfoPath Conversion
: Conversion of many corporate forms to InfoPath forms are now served from a SharePoint site.  This portion will review some of the standards developed (e.g., storage and naming of templates; instance names; data fields) and standard code used with the forms (printing; copy previous).Business Travel Authorization form: This is an InfoPath form used by an employee requesting a business trip.  After an employee fills out the initial information on the trip, it is routed using a custom workflow.  The form is routed to “travel coordinators” to estimate the cost of the trip and then to the travelers supervisor/manager for approval or rejection.  This continues up the management chain using Active Directory and has limits on how long a person has to approve a request before it moves on to the next person.The process is completed after the employee enters actual expenses for the trip.Sustainable Energy Program: This application uses InfoPath forms, database lookups, Kofax scanning, custom workflows, and timer jobs to process submitted requests for this program.  An overview of the process and these components will be reviewed.  InfoPath is used for initial entry and in task forms with the workflow.  Database lookups include customer and vendor information. Kofax gets scanned documents into the process.  Timer jobs export and import data with other systems.Presenter:
William LangIT for Enterprises (IT4E)cerkes@omahamtg.comDavid Petersen
SharePoint User Group Co-Leader