2018 Recap
Start Time: January 28 2019, 1:28 PM
Now = 2/6/2025 12:56:26 PM Start = 1/28/2019 1:28:00 PM
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Posted by mruwe at December 28 2018, 11:37 AM

Fellow .NET Users,

I hope you all had a wonderful Christmas and are looking forward to a happy New Year! Before we jump into the new year, I wanted to take a few minutes to recap 2018. Once again, we enjoyed a successful year of learning, networking and getting to experience our sponsor’s and host’s environments.

How do I define success? We successfully found 11 sponsors and paired them up with 7 different hosts. Our sponsors support our group by providing food for our meetings and money to support the user group activities. In addition, we were able to find 15 speakers who were eager to tell us about their passion in technology. As usual, this group consisted of a few veterans who have been working with us for years and a few new folks who wanted to try their hand at presenting in front of a group.

We experience success by partnering with Harbinger Partners to start meeting after our main presentations at a nearby bar or restaurant. It’s been fun to participate in this and get to know a few of you a bit better. We’re definitely going to continue this in 2019 and look forward to working with two sponsors who will be supporting us.

We were also successful at building an online community in Slack. We started the year with no online chat presence, and we’re ending the year with an active Slack workspace containing over 200 people. If you haven’t yet participated, please join us by going to http://bit.ly/2DwVVvG. In addition to Slack, our email distribution list has grown to over 1,300 people! That’s a lot of interest in .NET!

Finally, we successful captured nearly all of our meetings to video. This is a work intensive process that has been supported by John (Mike) Haro. If you see Mike in the community make sure to say thanks! He’s been doing this for quite a while now and our group is better because of his efforts!

All-in-all, it was a banner year for the .NET User’s Group! It’s honestly a fair amount of behind the scenes work for Brian and I to run this org, but the returns on this investment are amazing! We get to meet so many incredible people who challenge us to be better in various ways. Thank you to everyone who participates in the Omaha .NET User’s Group community.

Here’s a recap of 2018:

Speaker: Eric Peters
Topic: Home Automation
Sponsor: Sogeti
Host: FCSA
Link: https://omahamtg.com/Event/Details/258

Speaker: Dustin Horne
Topic: Demystifying the ASP .NET Core Middleware Pipeline
Sponsor: FCSA
Host: FCSA
Link: https://omahamtg.com/Event/Details/259

####March Speaker: Vaibhav Gujral
Topic: Building Microservices on Azure
Sponsor: Aureus Group
Host: Aureus Group
Link: https://omahamtg.com/Event/Details/260

Speaker: Thomas Pizzo
Topic: The Basics of OAuth and OpenID Connect
Sponsor: Lyncstream
Host: Kiewit
Link: https://omahamtg.com/Event/Details/261

####May Speaker: Joel Becker
Topic: The World of Computer Vision
Sponsor: ProKarma
Host: FCSA
Link: https://omahamtg.com/Event/Details/262

Speaker: Jonathan Ayoub
Topic: Automated Unit Testing in .NET
Sponsor: TEKSystems
Host: TEKSystems
Link: https://omahamtg.com/Event/Details/263

Speaker: Sam Kirkland, Dan Drews
Topic: How to write Regular Expressions, Machine Learning with ML.NET
Sponsor: Buildertrend
Host: Buildertrend
Link: https://omahamtg.com/Event/Details/264

Speakers: Johnathan Ayoub, Joel Becker, Marcus Kern, Jim Kudirka
Topic: Lightning Rounds
Sponsor: Diversified Solutions
Host: FCSA
Link: https://omahamtg.com/Event/Details/265

Speaker: Vaibhav Gujral
Topic: Going Serverless with Azure Functions
Sponsor: Nebraska Furniture Mart
Host: Nebraska Furniture Mart
Link: https://omahamtg.com/Event/Details/266

Speaker: Doug Durham
Topic: An introduction to the Azure Service Fabric programming model
Sponsor: Don’t Panic Labs
Host: FCSA
Link: https://omahamtg.com/Event/Details/267

####November / December
Speaker: Marcus Kern
Topic: How to add facial recognition to any .NET app
Sponsor: CSG
Host: CSG
Link: https://omahamtg.com/Event/Details/268

Looking forward into 2019, here’s a list of sponsors we’re excited to work with:

January – Kiewit
February – Sogeti
March – Gallup
April – Don’t Panic Labs
May – Aureus Group
June – FCSA
July – Buildertrend
August – Diversified Solutions
September – Harbinger Partners
October – Advantage Tech
December – BCBS

After meeting get-together sponsors:
January through June – Harbinger Partners
July through December – Dynamo

Matt Ruwe
.NET User's Group Co-Leader

Brian Olson
.NET User's Group Co-Leader

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