April SharePoint User Group Meeting
Start Time: April 03 2014, 11:30 AM
Now = 2/23/2025 3:08:02 PM Start = 4/3/2014 11:30:00 AM
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Posted by dipetersen at March 21 2014, 8:41 AM

Fellow SharePoint users,Our next SharePoint User Group meeting will be on Thursday, April3rd, starting at 11:30 AM at the Blue Cross Blue Shield of Nebraska(BCBSNE**).  Please note the change in venue.**  Foodwill be provided 15 minutes prior to the start of the meeting. For details and to RSVP, use the following link:
http://www.omahamtg.com/Events.aspx?ID=235Date & Time:
Thursday, April 3rd at 11:30 AMLocation:
Blue Cross Blue Shield of Nebraska
1919 Aksarben Drive
Omaha, NE 68180Please check in as a visitor at the main security desk whenarriving on site at BCBSNE.Parking Information:
Please park in the visitor stalls as indicated in the map below:Parking MapTopic: Process Improvement through Workflows: Connect the clickpoints.Consider real-life customer complaints facing a telecomcompany and imagine how to improve their order entry and fulfillment processusing SharePoint workflows. See how data flow diagrams and workflow diagramscan improve communication with process participants.   With a focus on design considerations andusing workflows for more than just approvals, the presentation will describe asimple workflow for the telecom company and two more complex running workflows:one for simultaneous posting of content in two languages to an internet siteand another to coordinate a publishing process.Presenter: Kay Wise has been processing information since she addedpage numbers to her Mother Goose book and indexed her favorite nurseryrhymes.  But her education in the fieldstarted at age 35 when she spent seven years assisting with an artificialintelligence project at Creighton.  In1982 at ACI, Kay designed and helped develop a relational database,client-server programs, and internal processes for software management, costaccounting, and billing.  In 1989 Kayopened The Wise Choice Consulting Co. where her clients included the City ofOmaha, and where she volunteered as chair of Infotec. In 1992 she joined FirstData where she was promoted to Director of Financial Systems and later Directorof the Software Engineering Process Group.Between 2001 and 2008, Kay retired to teach time management and projectmanagement, volunteer with the League of Women Voters, write about PositivePolitics, and paint landscapes in oil and acrylic. During this period she alsoinstalled and ran SharePoint 2003 on an old laptop.In 2006 Kay’s husband, Kenneth was asked to come to Dubai toorganize a think tank, called Dubai Consulting Research & Media Center,(b’huth). Kay convinced management there that they needed SharePoint andworkflows.  She designed internalprocesses and organized teams to produce daily, weekly and quarterly researchreports.  Researchers, writers andtranslators, most working from home in a half dozen different countries, useSharePoint to coordinate their contributions to various publications.  Having worked with Datapolis for workflows atb’huth and impressed by the company, Kay offered to edit English and providelocal representation for Datapolis after she returned to Omaha in the summer of2013.Kay’s formal education includes a bachelor's degree summacum laude in English, history, and education, and a master’s degree in historywith subsequent coursework in psychology, computer science and fine art. She isalso trained in project management, the Weinberg school of Quality SoftwareDevelopment, the Software CMM, and Six Sigma.Sponsor:  Datapolis develops user-friendly and flexible solutions forSharePoint environments which support dynamic processes, information anddocument flows in medium and large enterprises. Since its inception in 2001 thecompany has focused on strategic cooperation with Microsoft and it has earnedMicrosoft Gold Partner in Application Development, Collaboration and Content,and Communications. Over 100 clientsworldwide use Datapolis solutions. Among them are: Advantage Bank, Burger King,Dana Corp, DARPA, GridPoint, Los Angeles World Airports, Microsoft, NorthAmerican Interconnect, SRA International, ThyssenKrupp Steel USA, TIM Mobile,Tyco International and The United States House of Representatives. Datapolissolutions are delivered worldwide by several dozen partners, the majority ofthem Microsoft Certified or Gold Certified Partners. You can find moreinformation on the website www.datapolis.comThank you,Corey Erkes
SharePoint User Group Co-Leader
corey.erkes@outlook.comDavid Petersen
SharePoint User Group Co-Leader